Tuesday, July 1, 2008

glastonbury 2008

who knew an outdoor music festival could house so many fashionable people?
well, i should have know,being in London and all.
i mean,it's not like it's Montreal's Jazz Festival...

Well here are some of my favorites, including Lily Cole and Henry Holland.
Looks like Lily didn't get the rain boot memo,though...


Richel said...

I love Glastonbury. It's kind of like Coachella. For some reason everyone is really well dressed, it just seems like they don't let in ugly people!

Sally Jane Vintage said...

Great looks! Those fests are always good for fashion. :)

Hanna said...

Glastonbury is so inspiring. Not long ago I went to a rock festival here in Kiev and I loved it. I magine how it feels at Glastonbury! No one is stereotypical, every look is so individual. This is a place where the true styles shine through. I might be weird, but I want Henry Holland's shirt. =)

Hanna said...

Btw, want to trade links? =)

Hyaku Juuhachi said...

ok what in the world is that dude wearing!!! lol He's probably gay but he definitely got some balls lol