Thursday, June 26, 2008

prom night goodbyes.

Well,it's all over.
2 days ago,it was my prom.
i admit,i have been SUPER nervous all year,
but i forgot all about it once the time rolled around.
everything was great.
the place,Chateau Vaudreuil, was perfect,
and luckily it didn't rain!
it was also a time of mixed emotions though.
it was the last time i was gonna see most of the people i grew up with,
and it sucks.
Now prom was amazing,
but things got bad at after-prom.
worst night EVER.
i was the only sober one out of my friends.
one of them passed out badly and almost got wisked away in an ambulance,
i got massively insulted,
i got no sleep cuz our tent was practically turned into a puke bucket,
and i have like a zillion mosquito bites.
but,hey, i survived right.
now it's really all done.
im done with my high school life,
and high school drama.
i will miss the kids i've known forever,
but it's good to move on,
even necessary...

1 comment:

Tavi said...

Aww, I'm sorry it didn't work out so well :( Luckily there's so much to look forward to for this summer and next year!